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>Four Indian students win Gates Scholarship at Cambridge

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>Four Indian students are among 60 from 29 countries who have been awarded the prestigious Gates Scholarship for postgraduate studies at the Cambridge University. Describing them as the “world’s most brilliant students,” the university said they were selected from among the several thousands who applied for the scholarship set up in 2000. Funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, it enables academically gifted postgraduates with a strong interest in social leadership and responsibility to study at Cambridge.

Professor Robert Lethbridge, Provost (CEO) of the Gates Cambridge Trust, said: “This is an outstanding group of young men and women with a wide range of backgrounds, interests and career trajectories; what binds them together is a desire to ‘give back’ by using their education and leadership to tackle global problems and improve the lives of others. We are sure they will make significant contributions in the future.”

Sukrit Silas from Delhi will study for a Ph.D. in Pathology as would Bangalore-born Divya Venkatesh. Raghu Mahajan from Chandigarh will do Part 3 of the Mathematical Tripos and hopes to go on to do a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics while Anand Shrivastava, a product of IIT Madras, will study for an M.Phil. in Economics.

Source: The Hindu, April 12, 2011

Written by Jamshed Siddiqui

April 12, 2011 at 7:18 pm